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Adaptations Van

Adaptations Van Classroom Visit

Developed specifically for 4th grade, this FREE 55-minute (per class) outreach program emphasizes the adaptations of plants and animals found in Utah’s ecosystems. Students will explore structures that Utah’s animals and plants use to survive in their habitats.

Classroom Application/Core Curriculum

4th Grade SEEd Standards 


Student experience may include an opportunity to interact with one of the following Animal Ambassadors:

  • Garter Snake 
  • Gopher Snake 
  • Tiger Salamander 
  • Red-spotted Toad 
  • King Snake 
  • Russian Tortoise 

Program Requirements:

  • This program is offered to 4th grade classes at public and charter schools in Utah. 
  • Per presentation, we can accommodate up to 40 students. Multiple presentations can be done at your school depending on the number of students. 

Room Requirements:

  • Wheelchair accessible 
  • Free of class pets (fish permitted) 
  • An adult school representative must be present in the space at all times. 
  • Busy hallways or places with through traffic are not conducive to this program.
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