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Creatures in the Reef

Eyes on Science

Fin-tastic Activities

Discover Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are some of the most important and diverse ecosystems in the world. They are built over many years by tiny animals knows as coral polyps. Reefs are often called the “rainforests of the sea” because of the diversity of creatures that live amongst the coral. Home to a quarter of marine species some animals you may find include octopus, sea anemones, urchins, shrimp, and eels. Many animals, including 25% of the ocean’s fish, depend on healthy coral reefs. Humans also depend on keeping coral reefs healthy. Coral reefs provide protection from storms and provide jobs, food, and even medicine.

More Ways to Explore*

Learn more about coral reefs by checking out these additional resources.

NOAA Corals in the Classroom
Coral Reefs 101 | National Geographic Video
Smithsonian Ocean

*External links are provided for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement by LLPA nor is LLPA responsible for the accuracy, legality, or content of the external site.

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