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Grey Reef Shark

Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos

Fast Facts

  • The Gray Reef Shark has a distinct swimming pattern when threatened.
  • Sharks have their own navigation system with the help of their electromagnetic sense.
  • They are also commonly called Blacktail Reef Shark.
  • They must continue to swim in order to breathe.



Coastal regions and along continental shelves from the Middle East to the islands in the deep Pacific


Continental shelves, around coral reefs, shallow lagoons, and open oceanic waters


Up to 8 feet


Reef fish, squid, and shrimp


These sharks have a black edge to their caudal and pectoral fins. They appear grey from a distance, but actually have a bronze tint to their skin.


Grey reef sharks do not pose a threat to humans, but have been inquisitive around divers. If there is food in the water, this shark will become very active and even aggressive. The expected lifespan is estimated to be at least 25 years. When threatened, the Grey reef shark will arch its body up and move its head slowly from side to side while swimming. This is thought to be a way of intimidating unwanted company. If it goes ignored, the shark may attack.


Grey reef sharks are viviparous (give birth to live young). The female can birth up to six pups at a time after a gestation of one year. Females are capable of storing sperm until an egg is released. After the babies are born, they are left to feed and protect themselves.

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