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Aquarium Visitor Code of Conduct

Loveland Living Planet Aquarium is fully committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all guests. To enhance the experience and safety of our guests, staff members, volunteers, and the animals living at the Aquarium, all guests are expected to abide by the following rules at all times.

  1. Be courteous and respectful to all guests, volunteers, and staff. Guests will refrain from using offensive language, making obscene gestures, or engaging in unsafe or disruptive behavior.
  2. Be respectful of the Aquarium’s buildings, exhibits, and other property. Willful destruction, vandalism, and littering are prohibited.
  3. Be aware of your surroundings. Walk, do not run. Certain walking surfaces (e.g. shark deck, Penguin Encounter room, etc…) may be slick; use caution.
  4. Harassment, intimidation, or discrimination in any form will not be tolerated. Any abuse, including physical, verbal, or non-verbal, of any visitor, volunteer, or staff member will also not be tolerated.
  5. Children should be supervised at all times. Minors must be accompanied by someone age 14 or older at all times.
  6. Smoking is prohibited anywhere on the Aquarium campus. This includes smokeless tobacco, vapor, electronic cigarettes, or any other smoking device.
  7. Guests are expected to wear appropriate clothing.
  8. Outside alcohol and illegal substances are not allowed on Aquarium property.
  9. Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the aquarium but may be consumed on the plaza.
  10. Soliciting, advertising, or advocating to other guests, verbally or using pamphlets, flyers, or signs, is not permitted.
  11. Pets and other animals are not allowed inside the Aquarium due to public health codes and for the safety of the Aquarium’s animals. We welcome ADA-qualified service animals that are specifically trained to work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.
  12. Guests are expected to practice good hygiene. Handwashing stations and hand sanitizer are available throughout the Aquarium campus. Individuals with communicable diseases are encouraged to refrain from visiting the Aquarium.
  13. Be respectful of the animals. At designated areas and under the supervision of a staff member, gently touch the animals with two fingers and do not remove living things from the water. Do not tap on or shine lights into viewing windows. Feeding animals (outside of a staff-supervised animal encounter) is strictly prohibited.
  14. Keep track of personal items. The Aquarium will not be responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property.
  15. Report any item or behavior that is suspicious, illegal, or in violation of this Code of Conduct to an Aquarium staff member.
  16. Guests will comply with all posted rules and any instructions given by Aquarium staff.
  17. Guests will follow other rules and guidelines as they become applicable. (e.g. animal encounter waivers, membership terms and conditions, filming guidelines, public health orders, etc…)

The following items are prohibited at Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. Guests will be denied entry if they are in possession of prohibited items. If a visitor is found on The Living Planet Aquarium campus with a prohibited item, the item will be confiscated, and the visitor may be asked to leave the premises.

Prohibited items include:

• Weapons of any kind (e.g. guns, knives, pepper spray, stun guns, etc…)

• Sharp objects or objects that appear to be weapons (e.g. needles, foam-dart guns, costume weapons, etc…)

• Animals that are not service animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act

• Outside alcohol

• Illegal substances, drugs, or chemicals

• Skateboards, scooters, roller skates/blades, roller shoes, hoverboards, etc…

• Drones, kites and model aircraft

• Flammable, explosive, or toxic materials

• Lighters, matches, or anything that creates an open flame

• Laser pointers, laser pens, or similar focused-light devices

• Balloons or other inflatables

• Costume masks or other objects that obscure the face

• Climbing equipment

• Musical instruments, air horns, or other noisemaking devices

• Commercial audio or video recording equipment not authorized by the Aquarium’s Marketing Department

• Any other item deemed by the Aquarium to be dangerous, inappropriate, or disruptive

The Aquarium reserves the right to refuse admittance and remove individuals who do not comply with the Visitor Code of Conduct.

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